The day David, I and 23,000 others ran the Boston Marathon , Cho Seung -Hui shot and killed 33 Virginia Tech students and faculty and then turned a gun on himself. The victims were of different races, ages and from several different countries. They represented the hope we share as Americans. President Bush said on Tuesday, "They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." I would rather say, "They were in the right place at the wrong time." Those killed, beginning with Emily Hilscher , were where they were supposed to be: in a dorm room or classroom pursuing or guiding others in higher education, which would potentially result in jobs and a better way of life for them all. They were doing the right thing in the right place at the right time according to our cultural values. The only one in the wrong place and the wrong time was Seung -Hui, and that is where the struggle arises for us all. "How can a disturbed student like Seung -Hui stay in sch...
run with endurance the race set out before you...Heb. 12:1-2