Ft. Worth Bus You may have heard or read the media hype about the ad campaign on some of Fort Worth, TX, buses placed there by the Coalition of Reason . The banner on the side of the bus reads: Millions of Americans are Good without god. Some Christians are outraged and plan to boycott the buses. Others have mounted their own campaign that follows the atheist-sponsored messages in an ad-bearing truck that reads , "I still love you." [signed] God. The ads actually are true! Millions ARE "good" without believing in a deity. According to acceptable norms of behavior in our society, people can be called "good" without believing in a god. The problem is not their belief or disbelief in a god. I am not a philosopher or ethicist, but my question would be "Where do you get your definition of good?" In our culture, that source is the Judeo-Christian tradition . We define "good" from the historical truths of Scripture, and our entire s...
run with endurance the race set out before you...Heb. 12:1-2