No one needs to be a soothsayer to divine that the missional movement has gained momentum over the last five to ten years. It's been around a lot longer, but missional is now the catchword for young, cutting-edge, in-the-streets followers of Jesus. Personally, I am pleased with what's happening . The movement grew out of a realization that the church is not making an impact on the culture in post-Christian, Western countries and something needed to change. From Lesslie Newbigi n and David Bosch's early calls to mission to Alan Hirsch and Alan Roxburgh's stylized methods of how to go about it, the momentum to be "on mission" with Christ in the world rather than maintain the institutional church and its programs is now "it." I have two observations about the movement, of which I consider myself and Legacy Church late adapters. First, to be truly missional requires adaptive change , not tweaks that make you look missional. You can't add...
run with endurance the race set out before you...Heb. 12:1-2