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Showing posts from May 20, 2012

Character: The Pulse of a Disciple's Heart

Description and Orders Character matters. We mostly hear about the topic when a leader or someone we know fails morally in some way. We know people should have it, and we are disappointed and confused when someone we respect proves they don't have it, but that leaves us with the question, "What is it, and how do you get it?" From the book, we write, What determines if a person will live out God’s full potential for his or her life? We believe it is the issue of character. Character is the single most distinguishing aspect of a person’s life . . . . God cares more about character than our skills, personality, or intelligence because, biblically, character is a matter of the ‘heart.’ Character: The Pulse of a Disciple's Heart is a collection of biblical case studies of people God chose for his purposes which can be used for personal, small group, or church-wide study. Dr. Norman Blackaby and I got the idea for this book from our shared teaching of ...