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Showing posts from April 12, 2009

The Morning After

Yesterday remained cool and cloudy with some rain, but our worship and celebration of Christ's resurrection was warm and bright . I was so proud of our worship team and their efforts to put our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services together that facilitated our worship of the Risen Lord. It was truly a wonder-filled morning of worship and praise, hope and faith. I enjoyed seeing returning and every-week friends and family , and to see those who were truly seeking present in the crowd. I pray all that was said and done will help each person trust Jesus for who He is . If you would like to hear the message, you can go here . Our next message series, Adam+Eve, begins Sunday . It is a series on relationships, particularly those in marriage. Kenyon will kick the series off while I am in Boston running the marathon on Monday . Check out the current message page on the Legacy Church website for the topics and speakers. Like the disciples who were filled with wonder of meeting the res...

Easter Morning

I woke this morning to wind and rain and to the pangs of an 18-hour fast . I had been awakened several times in the night by passing storms and worries about what it will be like if the weather continues until the time our Easter Celebrations starts. Would the sun come out in time? Would the "fair-weather" attendees roll over and stay in bed? I will wait to see what happens, but this morning I will possibly relate more to the anxiousness of the followers of Jesus. They spent their night wondering about not only the loss of their leader but the potential loss of their own lives. If people wanted Jesus dead, they may be next. Anxiety and worry, grief and fear woke Jesus' followers that morning. Maybe you awoke to those today. This was the setting for the greatest event in human history. Read about it here...