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Showing posts from February 19, 2012

A Call to Follow-Ash Wednesday Meditations

Our reading for Ash Wednesday, February 22, is Luke 5:1-11 . Read the passage of Jesus' calling of the first disciples. Morning Meditation Jesus , a carpenter, told Simon Peter , a fisherman, where and how to fish! (v. 4) Peter's response was one of trust. (v. 5) What has Jesus asked you through his Word and/or Spirit that could make you answer, "I'm the expert here, how could what you tell me be true?" What has Jesus asked you to do that did not make sense to you, but like Peter you were willing to be obedient to what he called you to do?   Meditate on the events of the passage and fast completely or partially from your morning meal.   Noon Meditation The carpenter's advice to the seasoned fisherman worked! They amount of fish caught almost sank two boats. (v. 6-7) Peter confessed after the huge catch, “ Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man! ” (v. 8) He realized Jesus was more than a carpenter, more than a man he had met before and ...

Ash Wednesday, A Day of Prayer and Fasting

Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday is traditionally the first day of Lent , usually forty weekdays of fasting and the Sundays prior to Easter Sunday . If you have not been around church much, you know the season more by the excesses of Mardi Gras , or, Fat Tuesday , the last binge before the Lenten fast. Spiritual bulimia at its worst. We do not observe Lent as Legacy Church , but we are aware of those seasons of the Big C Church that aid us in our spiritual growth. Lent is one of those seasons because it is designed to prepare our hearts for Holy Week ,  Jesus' suffering and death, and Easter , Jesus' resurrection, through the spiritual practice of fasting . Usually, one chooses something in his or her life to abstain from in order to identify with the suffering of Jesus. Last year , for example, I chose to eat Gluten-free in order to identify with a friend and those who must adjust their diets because of celiac disease. It was a hassle, but each choice reminded me of my ...