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Showing posts from March 7, 2010

Addicted to Me

Sunday I tried to explain how we are "designed for good" while being "damaged by evil" as part of our current series LOST. (We are following The Big Story of James Choung.) Choung wisely doesn't use the word "sin" in his presentation, but my biblical bias caused me to seek a way to explain it outside the "four circles." The issue of sin is a huge stumbling block to both those who trust Jesus to be who he says he is and to those who have problems with the whole "church thing." Here's how I described how we are "designed for good" while being "damaged by evil." First, we must confess God's intention was an eternal, love-filled relationship with us all . We are all created in the image of God. That image has not been lost but it has been damaged. It was damaged, tainted, scared (You pick the verb.) in the Garden, and all who are in the "Adam Family" (a la Paul's explanation in Romans 5:12-20...