Sunday we began our 20-week series on the life of Christ . Here's a picture of the stage at Legacy. It is an awesome backdrop that will remind us why we are and who we serve. We shared communion and baptized a mother and her son. The experience reminded me of Paul's words to Timothy and his mother, Eunice . If you want to hear the message, you can go here . Thanksgiving on the farm was wonderful as always. We did the usual overeating and football and found time to ride in Dad's pickup to see the cows and just hang out. Not everyone was there, but my entire family was, so, that was enough for me. The land is beautiful this time of year , and I was rejuvenated by the changing leaves and walking on the earth. Something about being in creation that makes you appreciate the Creator and your place in it --somehow the concrete reality I live in just does not do the same for me. Cambell saw her first cow! Here she is safely in the pick up while the cow waits for us to feed her. W...
run with endurance the race set out before you...Heb. 12:1-2