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Showing posts from September 26, 2010

Read the Bible. Period.

Why would I tell you to "read the Bible" in such a complex, information-saturated, diverse world? That sounds like a step backwards or too narrow a call for someone who is educated and sensitive to the convictions of others. However, of all the things I can encourage you to do in the chaotic world in which we live that will feed your soul and introduce you to the God of the Universe , I can tell you with all confidence: Read the Bible . Why the Bible? Whether you embrace it or not, the Bible makes some unique claims about itself that intrigue me enough to want to read it. (Not to mention a life-time of life-changing encounters with God in its pages.) Here are some claims the Bible makes about itself: It is a light and a lamp for living. ( Psalm 119:105-106 ) It is living and active and can cut to your soul. It's more than ancient literature. ( Hebrews 4:12 ) It is " God-breathed ." Not many books make that claim. ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ) The prophets o...