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Showing posts from September 28, 2008

Following Jesus to All People

This past Sunday we followed Jesus into the issue of racism . Whether you admit it or not, you have a response to the presidential candidates based on how you were raised to respond to another person's race or color. Some people call it your "culture," others call it "prejudice." Whatever name you give it, it is the sum total of our values and meanings that guide our behavior and emotions toward others. I started by interviewing a friend and member of Legacy, Stephen , about his perspective on the election through the lens of an African American male whose great grandparents were slaves . You can hear him here . He shared honestly and provided a perspective I would never have from my experiences. Jesus busted through every religious, class, gender and racial barrier of his culture when he sat down at Jacob's Well and asked the Samaritan woman for a drink of water. Read John's account and note each boundary Jesus crossed by his intentional actions to he...

A Sports Outing

Friday at noon Jim Craig and I loaded our bikes and golf clubs in the Element and headed out on a sports-filled weekend. We first played in the Dallas Providence Homes golf tourney with Doug Miller and Stuart Prior . We shot a 61, and with our handicaps we ended up with a 53. Not near close enough to win. Mark Hagan knows how to gather good golfers on a great course. Great fun and stories to tell later. We drove from the Castle Hills Golf Club parking lot to Waco, where we met Billy Allen, his father, Sonny All en , and four of their friends. The group was there to celebrate the "Coach's" health after beating back West Nile virus a couple of years ago. All seven of us completed the 102-mile Waco Wild West r ide around Central Texas . Billy and one of his friends finished their first century ride, a nd we all enjoyed the event together. When I got home Saturday evening, Storey and Graham were there with Cambell Grace! The perfect ending to a great two-day outing. S...