A couple of years ago James Choung offered a fresh way to present the Good News to a postmodern generation. The book is titled True Story: A Christianity Worth Believing In . It is what he came up with to tell The Big Story to his friends on a university campus. Matt Stone, our Connections Pastor, brought the concept to me when we were redesigning our membership experience, Next Step. As soon as I reviewed it, I liked not only its simplicity but the "fourth circle," which reminds us we are "sent together to heal" a lost and hurting world . You can read an interview about the concept here , and you can see James draw "the four circles" here . (It only takes 3 minutes.) Check it out, I believe you'll find a fresh way to tell the Good News to your friends. As part of our mission to help people trust Jesus at Legacy, we begin a new series this Sunday we are calling LOST . We will cover a "circle" a week so those who do not know The Big Story wi...
run with endurance the race set out before you...Heb. 12:1-2