As part of my helping raise money for the Fords, I am running a 100-mile run October 1 and 2 in honor of Alan. I have found incredible inspiration from Alan from his drive, hard work, and faith in God to get his body and life back where it was before the accident. He is why this weblog is called, faithrunner.
If you would like to sponsor me on my run, please email me, and I will post the totals as we get closer to the run. All monies will go directly into the savings account posted here at "Gifts to the Fords."
We want to raise at least $9,000 for them by the end of October!
As I hear from you, I will post your name, pledge, and running total we will raise on my run. I will also post a post-run report to let you know how I did and how much we raised.
Please feel free to pass this post on to other friends so we can raise as much as possible for the Fords.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
gene wilkes
Hebrews 12:1-2
PS I also hear rumors that others may be planning runs and walks to raise money for Alan. Stay tuned!
If you would like to sponsor me on my run, please email me, and I will post the totals as we get closer to the run. All monies will go directly into the savings account posted here at "Gifts to the Fords."
We want to raise at least $9,000 for them by the end of October!
As I hear from you, I will post your name, pledge, and running total we will raise on my run. I will also post a post-run report to let you know how I did and how much we raised.
Please feel free to pass this post on to other friends so we can raise as much as possible for the Fords.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
gene wilkes
Hebrews 12:1-2
PS I also hear rumors that others may be planning runs and walks to raise money for Alan. Stay tuned!