Wednesday turned out to be a travel day. (Kim, you'll love this.) We missed our flight to Chengdu, and spent all of the morning in the Guangzhou airport. It's a new airport, and the accommodations were fine, but we had rather had been on our way to our next stop.
It was partially my fault (I wanted breakfast, which cost $88 Yuan; Kenny has not let me forget that yet), and Kenny said you could walk on the airplane right up to the last minute. Well, I got my breakfast,

We made it to Chengdu by 1600 and made our way to our destination where we would meet with people that night. The city has grown since I was here three years ago. A sort of '80s boom that some fear will end soon and the people will be caught with devalued property and goods. But, for now, the growth is incredible. I am glad people are here offering hope beyond all that.
For you business people, the competition over here is unbelievable. You have so many products and so many customers and SO MANY ADVERTISEMENTS (billboards, people handing out ads on the street, flatscreens on buses and in lifts), that to make your place in the market is brutal. (That doesn't apply to ideas for the thought of the government is still predominant.) Also, every car maker known on the planet is here...and Buick is a huge winner. Even the police in some towns drive a Buick.

We stayed at Kenny's parent's flat. This is a look outside the bedroom where I slept. Three years ago all of this was under construction. It has developed quite well. Mr. and Mrs. Zheng are so open and hospitable. I know where Kenny gets his kind heart. (Except when he is dealing with a vendor at the market ;-)
We taught the first part of the book last night to 11 students from around the city. They make great effort to come to the class, and they are so attentive and desire to know more. They took the books with them and will return tonight for more. Please remember them.