Friday night (remember, we are 13 hours ahead of you...lost a day crossing the international dateline) The Carlsons (Jim and Sarala, on the couch and next to me) hosted us in their apartment at the HK International School. Jim is the Chairman of Deacons at the HK International Baptist Church where Lavern, our host, is on staff. Stiles and Diana Watson (next to Lavern and Sarala) is the interim pastor at HKIBC. Their hospitality was overwhelming, and the meal was delicious. Fruits, vegetables, and beef in a mango sauce wrapped in a tortilla was the fare.
Kenny and I were sleepy most of the evening, but the dialogue and stories kept us awake until we got home to fall into bed about 10:00 p.m.
We were up early, and LOOK, on the corner of our neighborhood was a Starbucks and a 7-11. The amenities of home 7,000 miles away!

Here's a shot of the street where the apartment is where we are staying, Yuk Sing.

Oh yes, had to include the local fish market for Kim. Kim, you would love the smell, too.

It's Saturday morning here, and we are off to sightseeing and teach a seminar this afternoon with some church leaders.
I am impressed with the acceptance of the people AND the cleanliness of the city. I am also surprised at the hills and steepness of the roads. No running on the streets here! Also, the Brits have everyone driving on the other side of the road, and we are learning to look the other way before we cross the road.
Thank you for your prayers and support!