I'm teaching for B. H. Carroll Theological Institute again. They were accredited this year, and I am pleased to be part of the faculty, which include pastors with terminal degrees and teaching ministries along with their pastoral duties. I love it because Legacy Church is a Teaching Church, and I get to integrate my studies into the life of our people.

This term (Omega, April 9-June 2, Mondays 6-8:30 p.m. at Legacy Church) I will teach Biblical Interpretation, an introduction to the art and science of understanding the author, text and readers of Scripture. I am pleased that several of our LifeGroup leaders will participate in the class. Students will choose a passage at our first class meeting and apply the principles of interpretation each week in order to produce a interpretation project at the end of the term. Should be hands-on fun! Okay, a 50k may be more "fun," but that term is relative for all of us.

You can sign up as a reader here. Students must be accepted into a degree program before taking the class. Readers attend the class and participate as much as you like/want but are not required to take tests or complete the project. Sorry, no online access except for those enrolled.
I'll share some of the info along the way and we can expand the discussions to here if you like.