If Kim and I learned anything this past week, it was to
"Be still and know that I AM God" (
Ps. 46:10). One of the reasons for
Sonscape is to help you restore a rhythm of spiritual growth to your life.
Ministry can become like any other job and without the deep roots of our souls in a relationship with the Father, we can and will go dry and empty. Like the dry bones of Ezekiel, we cry out, "'Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off'" (
Ezekiel 37:11). Times of quiet in the swing (Kim's favorite spot on the property) and in God's Creation did restore our souls.
Tuesday was designated a day of Sabbath. On that day, Kim and I climbed to
The Crags out-cropping. (If you are ever near
Woodland Park, CO, make this hike!) Not only were we refreshed by the beauty and the magnificent view from the top, I was able to leave some "stuff" in the cleft of a rock there that I have given to God so I can continue the "race marked out for you." The backpack of my soul was much lighter as we returned to the car and more time of listening to God that day.
I joked to some of you about the three 2-hour sessions with the retreat leaders (counselors) that were scheduled for us. Give me a mountain to climb or a book to read, but don't ask me to talk about my feelings with complete strangers! Our times with
Bob and Jeanne Blahnik turned out to be some of the most healing and helpful times of the week. We talked about everything from the fact Kim and I are absolute opposites in our personalities to family of origins' stuff and our ministry of twenty years with Legacy. The room (pictured here) became a safe place of openness and healing.
One of the best gifts of God this past week was the people with whom we experienced authentic community in Christ together. We shared tears, meals, games, and worshiped together. We told our stories of hurts and joys. We lived together surrounded by God's creation and were served and led by humble servants of Jesus. We experienced the reality of "one holy catholic and apostolic Church" as all of us from so many faith traditions shared the same grace shown us by the Father through His Son, Christ Jesus. We know a bit of what Heaven will be like.
Pray for our new friends: (from left to right) Don and Pam, OC missionaries to Nairobi, Kenya; behind them Bob Blahnik (Jeanne is on the front row next to Kim, they were the retreat leaders); next to me are Johnathan and Barbara,
CAM missionaries to Mexico; Debra and Dan (in front of Debra), he is a pastor, and they were the group's host couple from Burleson, TX; Vicky, a pastor in the
Upper Peninsula, MI; and Denise, an Australian born second grade teacher at the
International Community School in Singapore. These are special people who need our prayers and support. I hope you meet some of them in the future.