Saturday, August 25, we rode in this year's version of Hotter 'n Hell 100 bike ride. The conditions were better than last year, but it still lived up to its name.
Here are the sleeping quarters at the Wichita Falls YMCA. That's Jim Craig in the suite next to me, and Frank and Beth Usnick are to my other side. Yes, that is plaster coming off the back wall of the racket ball court where we stayed. Over 400 of the 11,000 plus riders slept in every flat spot there. It's all part of the experience! The quote of the night was another guy in the room who said, "All I know is that my friend told me not to worry. He got me a room at the Y." Hey, it was $12 bucks!
This is the gang at the spaghetti dinner the night before the big ride. Frank and Beth are closest to John Huber and his camera, them Tim Parker and me, Jim Craig and Keith and Bridget Giddens and their children are at the far end. I don't know all the others. Daniel, Ray and Shasta who ride with us on Sunday evenings also made the trip. Everyone finished!

One last shot from John Huber's photo collection. This is what a lot of the course looks like...flat, hot, and nothing but fields for most of the trip. Makes you wonder why we would do such a thing. It's the money. Always the money...