The Director of the program, Wanda Pieterz, was present, and she, too, was amazed at Legacy's generosity and service to the students in the program. Legacy has always stepped up when asked to respond to a need, and I am humbled to be part of such a group.
The other part of the morning was Bruce Walpole's FaithStory of how God led him to start hockey chapels with the team he coached, the Aces, and how that has connected with a larger group, Hockey Ministries International. He struggled as a Legacy Church Leadership Team member whether or not he should give up coaching to be "in church" every Sunday until someone reminded him he would do more for the kingdom "out there" than sitting in the worship service every week. His story exemplifies our value of relational evangelism.
Yesterday tells me Legacy Church is healthy and living out God's call on its life. This Monday I am honored to be called pastor among these people.