Here's a shot at the church we served with. This was a shot from the Prayer meeting we participated in on Tuesday night. The saying on the wall behind the worship area is "my house is a house of prayer." Prayer is central to the life of the church. I have seldom been in a gathering like this before.

This is what they call in Cuba a BiCi Taxi, and they were everywhere...like cabs in NYC, just powered by people. That's Jim Denison, the pastor of
Park Cities Baptist Church of Dallas. The trip rode on the back of their years of work on the island. We taught as part of
B H Carroll's Master's program that is now available to the students there.

Here Jim and I share lunch with some of the students. As in all learning settings, it's between classes that much of the learning happens.

Here I am with my translator on the first day of classes out at "the farm," a true farm that was converted into a conference and training center for the entire island. There was always a cool breeze and genuine learning going on.

This is a shot of the students. Looks like some of them are really into to it, huh! Actually, they were quite sophisticated in their learning and engaged in every way.

Yes, this is street volleyball...They just stepped aside as we drove under the net, and then they went on playing.
I learned more than I taught, and I hope we can return to join the gracious and wonderful people on the island.