(Friday and Saturday nights Summer, Kim and I were part of Luke Knipe and Emily Michel's wedding. Summer and Emily grew up together since elementary school days.)
Speaking of movies, Summer and I saw Prince Caspian, the second installment of the Chronicles of Narnia series. It was great. I love that the "Kings and Queens of Narnia" are children and the unexpected leaders of Narnia. The storyline fits who God tends to choose for leaders in his rescue movement for people. I talked about this morning before we headed to Waco. You can here it here if you are not busy...
Got up this morning and wrote on Ekklesia (48-week) for an hour or so. This is a Bible study guide through the book of Acts. It will be out in June 2009, but I get to do the work now. Christos comes out next month.
I then headed to the best kept trail-running secret in the state of Texas, Cameron Park. I love this park. It is rugged, remote and few people run or ride the trails. I ran for about an hour and half because I got lost off the Outback trail...loved the extra time anyway.
Got back to Storey and Graham's the same time my sister pulled up. She had not met Cambell yet and had come down for the day. Graham and I put up chair railing in the nursery, sanded doors for painting, and I made a trip to Home Depot for a project back home. In between all of that we ate, held the grandchild, visited and enjoyed being family for the day.
Made it home by 7:30 and in time to get the week's groceries. A busy but meaning-filled weekend...