I got home in time for a shower and nap then officiate Leigh-Anne Graham and Kevin Conroy's wedding here in town. Leigh-Anne and her sister grew up at Legacy and their parents were core to who we were at the time. It was good to reconnect with the family and see their friends. The nap and Advil did the job so I could make it through the ceremony without cramping!
Sunday morning was as unique as I have ever experienced. Stacey Whitt, a former youth minister at Legacy, has begun a mission outpost in his home in Humble, TX. They are gathering people who desire the true mission of the church and to serve others in Jesus' name. Since I am here and they are there, we set up a Skype link to their living room, and I spoke to Stacey via the internet. Not everyone made it on time--the bane of advertising that programs don't matter--so we will link up again next Sunday before Legacy's service. I'm impressed how people are longing for a more intimate and purposeful setting to be the church and the growing dislike for church-as-usual. It's good for me to hear what they are saying...

His premise was there are more hurting people than ever before, and we need another church to help reach them. He was passionate and just a little younger than me. He has more faith than me to start such an endeavor at his stage of life. I just hope they will stick to their intended purpose and not become just an extension of what we have so many of in North Texas.
Sunday night we will see Jersey Boys with our LifeGroup. I hear it's awesome, and I'll be singing along all night. It will be fun to be with this group, whom we ride and share life with every week.