We took our series title from Shane Claiborne's book by the same title. We will not follow Shane's outline or end up where he does on every issue, but we liked the title and the look (and many of his conclusions) so we copied it.
Here's the teaser for the series:
This year’s historic presidential election race has exposed the moral and political heart of our nation as few before it. Our message series, “Jesus for President,” will invite us to respond to people who find themselves faced with the issues both candidates and voters are talking about. How do we as “citizens of heaven” respond like Jesus to people who suffer injustice or who differ in our beliefs about religion and politics, race, same-sex marriage, the war, the solution to poverty and housing, and immigration? Is there a “Christian position” on the issues? Or, is the better question, “How do I help people trust Jesus by my actions and words no matter the differences between us?” We will hear from people wrestling with these issues and offer biblical ways as next steps to love as Jesus loved when He revealed Himself as King and taught us how to live as His kingdom people. This week we ask the question, "What King? Which Kingdom?"
Check back weekly for recaps of the message and for links to other blogs and sites. I look forward to following Jesus as we enter the landscape of an election year.
Here are two links to get us going:
How Americans View Evangelical Voters (Barna Update)
A City Upon "The Hill" (Leadership Journal)