The highlight of the evening for me were the 11 students who read Psalm 100 in their native language. It was read in Bengali, Korean, Spanish, Armenian, Farsi, Hindi, Thai, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Mandarin, and English. Each time my heart was stirred to know people heard the words of praise in his or her heart language.

Sunday morning I continued to vision cast that the church be "salt and light servants," which is the core message of my new book, Evangelism Where You Live. The good news is I do not need to instill a value that is not among us already. I only reinforced what we already hold as a lifestyle among us. If you want to hear the message "Here Am I," from Isaiah 6, go here.

Get the book, and listen to the messages each week. Feel free to email me questions or comments as you follow Jesus through the Gospels.
I go into this season of Thanksgiving knowing many are hurting, without jobs, and facing an uncertain future. I continue to find hope in the Person of Jesus Christ, His Church, and the love shown and shared by those I serve alongside.

For more photos of the event, go here.