Sunday, I capitalized on our annual church conference in the afternoon to do some vision casting for Legacy Church. We showed the full video Fast Forward from Willow Creek's Leadership Summit 2007 to set up my message. I recommend you show it to your group if you have not already.
My message was basically pages 13-18 from my new book Evangelism Where You Live: Engaging your community. (I wrote it with Steve Pate for the Columbia Partnership Leadership Series.) We call for the church to "tell the Good News" through "community based servant evangelism." Members of the the church are to be "salt and light servants" who share the message of Jesus through acts of service in the name of Jesus. Jesus' instructions recorded in Matthew 5:13-16 are the basis of the concept.
Hear the full message here. Buy the book here. I will continue to cast this vision in the weeks and months ahead.
Saturday, Kim and I traveled to Jacksonville, TX, for the wedding of Kevin Brown and Christen Clark. Kevin's one of the several children of the "Red River Gang" getting married this year. I've known Kevin's parents, Alan and Janette, since 1971 when we served together on staff at what was then "Glorieta Baptist Assembly."
Here are Cambell and me at the Reynold's wedding...wonder if I'll be around for her wedding?
Small world note to the Brown wedding: Sam Dennis, a friend and pastor here in Plano at Parkway Hills Baptist Church, performed the ceremony. Sam started Parkway Hills about the time we came to Legacy. That church is where Kevin and Christen met and fell in love. Great to be in the mission field with Sam and Parkway.
My message was basically pages 13-18 from my new book Evangelism Where You Live: Engaging your community. (I wrote it with Steve Pate for the Columbia Partnership Leadership Series.) We call for the church to "tell the Good News" through "community based servant evangelism." Members of the the church are to be "salt and light servants" who share the message of Jesus through acts of service in the name of Jesus. Jesus' instructions recorded in Matthew 5:13-16 are the basis of the concept.
Hear the full message here. Buy the book here. I will continue to cast this vision in the weeks and months ahead.

Here are Cambell and me at the Reynold's wedding...wonder if I'll be around for her wedding?
Small world note to the Brown wedding: Sam Dennis, a friend and pastor here in Plano at Parkway Hills Baptist Church, performed the ceremony. Sam started Parkway Hills about the time we came to Legacy. That church is where Kevin and Christen met and fell in love. Great to be in the mission field with Sam and Parkway.