The New Year officially began for me yesterday. I taught on Jesus' baptism and what it means for followers of Jesus everywhere. (You can hear it here.) I went into the methods and meanings behind the practice and why denominations gather around those things. Like so many of Jesus' example and teachings, we make it harder than he intended it to be and spend too much time fighting over who's right rather than letting it be what it was in the first place: a public identification with Jesus and His kingdom and evidence we have "repented for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Our LifeGroup that evening had great dialogue around its purpose and meaning for each of us in the group. I still am praying for one of my friends to take the plunge.
Friday, the 2nd, I took my father to the 73rd edition of the Cotton Bowl. It was the last Cotton Bowl game in the 1930 stadium. Next year it's in Jerry's place. Dad was a 1951 graduate of Texas Technological College and had never been to the Cotton Bowl. He will be 80 in March so I wanted to surprise him with a trip to the game. The weather was perfect but Tech got their head handed to them on a platter by Ol Miss. Our seats were great (Thanks to Greg Sankey of the SEC, second row of the upper deck on the Tech goal line), but we sat among Ol Miss fans who came to party and could care less about the game. I learned some new tricks on how to smuggle hard liquor into public places. Sad.
Summer and her bf, Ryan, came along, too. They had seats among the Tech fans and joined us after the half. The experience was great--except the parking--and I have a memory with my father and daughter I will never forget.
After the game, I attended the Eagle Scout ceremony of Alex Craig, son of Jim and Sarah. They are in our LifeGroup, and I ride with them with the Legacy Cyclists. Rites of passage like this one is a biggie. I never got out of Cub Scouts!
I am looking forward to the year ahead. Legacy is in a good place to grow and maximize its health and service to the community.
Also, I will begin teaching a course on the Four Gospels for B H Carroll next Tuesday at Legacy. Check out the details here, and join us if you can. I love this stuff.

Summer and her bf, Ryan, came along, too. They had seats among the Tech fans and joined us after the half. The experience was great--except the parking--and I have a memory with my father and daughter I will never forget.

I am looking forward to the year ahead. Legacy is in a good place to grow and maximize its health and service to the community.
Also, I will begin teaching a course on the Four Gospels for B H Carroll next Tuesday at Legacy. Check out the details here, and join us if you can. I love this stuff.