In the 80th year of my father's life and in the first year in my granddaughter's life I ran my seventh Boston Marathon. It was not pretty, but I finished, and I believe I am finished with this difficult course. Thanks to Billy Allen and adidas I have been able to not only run the marathon but bring friends to join me in this historic marathon.

This year
Greg Sankey (read
his blog on today's event), long-time friend and who is running a marathon a month this year,
Hector Retta, college roommate, and
his daughter, Emilia, made the run from Hopkington to Boston. They finished far in front of me, and I was glad they got to experience the event.
We gathered on The Commons to board the buses to Hopkington and then waited 2 hours waiting for a port-a-potty and for the run to begin. It was cloudy and cold today; and, add to that a 10 to 15 mph wind in your face from the east and you have the makings of a long day.
I had been sick all this past week, and I started out slowly and tapered down from there! (No pics from the finish line because I was too trashed to pick up my phone.)
I love what pushing the limits of your mind and body does to you, but I'm afraid this is my last Boston, and possibly my last marathon. The training and recovery time is too great with all the other things I like to do. I ran 10 marathons in 10 years from age 45 to 55. I think the next decade will be on the bike. Thanks again Boston for memories and challenges nothing else gives me. I'll miss the stories you give me to tell and the friends I get to take with me to run your course.