It was truly a wonder-filled morning of worship and praise, hope and faith. I enjoyed seeing returning and every-week friends and family, and to see those who were truly seeking present in the crowd. I pray all that was said and done will help each person trust Jesus for who He is. If you would like to hear the message, you can go here.
Our next message series, Adam+Eve, begins Sunday. It is a series on relationships, particularly those in marriage. Kenyon will kick the series off while I am in Boston running the marathon on Monday. Check out the current message page on the Legacy Church website for the topics and speakers.
Like the disciples who were filled with wonder of meeting the resurrected Jesus, our days continue to unfold as usual. The difference is our encounter with our Risen Rescuer. While the activities may be as they were before, the days will not seem so usual or routine now we have been with Him.