The Willow Creek Association Leadership Summit last Thursday and Friday did what it does for me every year: inspires and challenges me. World-class leaders, like David Gergen and Tony Blair, leadership gurus like Gary Hamel, pastors like Tim Keller and Dave Gibbons, and practitioners like Jessica Jackley inspired and challenged my thinking about leadership and how we do church.
About 20 Legacy folks attended the simulcast at Chase Oaks Church, and we all came away with fresh ideas, questions and conversations about how we lead people on the mission of God in this century and in our global culture. I am still reflecting on all the information and ideas--and nudges by the Holy Spirit--before I blurt out anything. Stay tuned.
Sunday, my message was on Faith: When you hear what Jesus has done, it helps you trust who Jesus is. We saw how John the Baptist, while in prison, asked the question we all ask when life does not turn out the way we think it should--especially if, like John, we trust Jesus and try to follow him every day. Jesus' answer was simple, "Go back and report...what you have seen and heard." (Luke 17:22-23) Jesus was doing exactly what he said he would do, and although John thought he should be doing more--like getting him out of prison--Jesus taught, "happy is the person who does not give up on me because of what I do or don't do." (my paraphrase) We trust Jesus for who he is, not for what we think he can do for us.
We heard from what Jesus was doing in Dennis Martin's life as a result of his involvement in our mission trip to New Orleans, and I read from my personal journal a story of how God provided so I could keep a vow to him. We invited people to trust who Jesus is after they had heard what Jesus had done in our lives. If you want to hear the message, go here.
What have you heard God has done around you that helps you trust who Jesus is? Let me know. Your stories help me trust Jesus, too.
Tonight I begin teaching the New Testament III, the General Epistles and the Revelation, for B H Carroll at Legacy. A dozen have already signed up for the class, and I look forward to others joining us for the learning experience. If you want details on the course, go here. This class is for everyone. You can study at any level you like. Email me if you have questions.