Two things were different about that remembrance for me this year. One was the deep sense to pray for our enemies. As a follower of Jesus I am compelled to pray for those who not only attacked on 9/11 but those who continue to plan and execute ill will on this country.

On September 12 several from Legacy Church joined others from the area to to walk in the rain for life. Legacy Church has been in partnership with Real Options for Women since the late 80's when Danielle Hansen became its Executive Director.

Facing the injustice of abortion is not as clamorous as it was when it was part of the political scene, but just as we as a nation will never forget 9/11, there are many followers of Jesus who will never forget the unborn. We refuse to forget the lives lost and the lives damaged by the myth that you can just abort a fetus and go on with your life.
Join us as we stand for those who can't stand for themselves and as we love and serve those who wrestle with the reality of an unplanned pregnancy.