This past Sunday, my message was "Church is a verb: people who serve in the name of Jesus." (To hear the message, go here.) I described how Peter and John served the deepest need of the beggar who asked them for money by telling him, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk." (Acts 3:6)
I challenged each of us to serve the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of others in the name of Jesus without prejudice and we would see great and wonderful things happen like Peter and John did.
The Wish 100 inaugural bike rally was a way for some of us to serve the need of children with serious illnesses in the name of Jesus. We did this as riding as Team Legacy.
Here are some of us at the start line. 104 Team Legacy members rode among the 1400+ riders to raise funds for the Make-a-Wish Foundation of North Texas.

We were the largest team! Some team members rode with the mayors of six cities carrying a baton to signify their involvement in the event.
Being the largest team gave us the opportunity to wear the artwork of some of the children who will receive the wishes we collectively provide. (A wish is about $6,000, which was the team's fund raising goal. Team Legacy raised over $7,800!)
At Legacy, we believe that "we are most like Jesus when we serve," and events like Wish 100 give us a chance to be the hands and feet (and pedals) of Jesus in the community.
Thanks to those who rode AND those who served at Breakpoint #4. You all provided a tangible expression of the love of Jesus to those you served.
I am proud to be your Pastor and serve with you in the name of Jesus.
For more pictures from the ride, go to John Huber's flickr album.
I challenged each of us to serve the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of others in the name of Jesus without prejudice and we would see great and wonderful things happen like Peter and John did.

Here are some of us at the start line. 104 Team Legacy members rode among the 1400+ riders to raise funds for the Make-a-Wish Foundation of North Texas.

We were the largest team! Some team members rode with the mayors of six cities carrying a baton to signify their involvement in the event.

At Legacy, we believe that "we are most like Jesus when we serve," and events like Wish 100 give us a chance to be the hands and feet (and pedals) of Jesus in the community.

I am proud to be your Pastor and serve with you in the name of Jesus.
For more pictures from the ride, go to John Huber's flickr album.