Last Sunday, I spoke about how the early church leaders shared responsibility and authority to meet a greater need. (Acts 6:1-7; You can hear the message here.)
I have always struggled with why churches spend so much time on the ceremonies and organizations of leadership rather than simply allowing the people who are the church to address the needs that arise from among them as their share life together on mission with Christ.
Here's what the first servant leaders in the church did to address the racial tension raised because of limited resources:
I have offered some of direction for this in my workbook, Paul On Leadership. It's a bit edgy for those in conventional churches, but I would recommend it to those who see themselves as a missional church on a mission field.
Dinner with Friends at Legacy was awesome last night! Over 300 women gathered to share dinner together and hear a message of
encouragement from our own, Lisa Lloyd. This was our eleventh annual event, and it was as great as all the others. Lives were touched and changed by the event. Thanks to the guys who served drinks, food, and clean up. Everyone did a fabulous job!
I have always struggled with why churches spend so much time on the ceremonies and organizations of leadership rather than simply allowing the people who are the church to address the needs that arise from among them as their share life together on mission with Christ.
Here's what the first servant leaders in the church did to address the racial tension raised because of limited resources:
- They clarified their roles. They knew what they brought to the table and guarded that with diligence. They were not creating positions of rank or status (clergy and laity), which we seem to think are important these days.
- They turned to qualified servant leaders identified by their peers and closest to the issue to implement change. They did not put off the people or try to solve the problem themselves.
- They shared their authority to make decisions through prayer and the time-honored practice of laying on of hands. This was NOT the first deacon ordination service! Stop making it that.They empowered servant leaders to solve a problem, and the church grew as a result of their actions.
I have offered some of direction for this in my workbook, Paul On Leadership. It's a bit edgy for those in conventional churches, but I would recommend it to those who see themselves as a missional church on a mission field.
Dinner with Friends at Legacy was awesome last night! Over 300 women gathered to share dinner together and hear a message of