English Language Program hosted its annual Thanksgiving Feast Sunday night. It is one of my favorite nights of the year because
we see the extent of our ministry in the community in the faces of those who attend.
Legacy people turned out to cook, carve, serve drinks, and host tables for our guests. They even love to tear down, set up and carry out the trash. I love the servant hearts of those who are Legacy.
Students from the 6 level of classes ate, talked, and
read Psalm 100 in their native language. We heard the Thanksgiving Psalm read in
Bengali, Japanese, Gujarati, Armenian, Farsi, Tamil, Portuguese, Korean, Spanish, Malayalam, Cantonese Chinese, Mandarin Chinese, and Taiwanese.
Here's a picture of some who sat at our table. So many stories from each life could fill a book. Kim is talking to Professor Wu who came to America as a Communist atheist who taught at a prestigious Chinese university. He came to our ELP ministry to learn English and in the process found the Lord. The room was filled with stories like his--and many who still claim the religion of their country of origin. We're okay with that.

I told the crowd as we concluded that what happened at Legacy
Sunday night was not just a taste of an American Thanksgiving meal but a taste of heaven. For we are told that one day because of Jeus we would see "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb."
Revelation 7:9, 10
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