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A Day of Prayer and Fasting--Part 1

We have set today apart at Legacy Church to pray and fast as part of our preparing our hearts in Advent. We will follow the outline in Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, Love All. I will post at 6, 10, 2 and 6 today. May the Lord bless you as you open your heart to Him. (Thanks to Patsy Weinberg for writing these devotionals.)

Worship Fully

Read Luke 2:8-15. Imagine you’re with the shepherds as the events unfold.

This passage makes me giggle in sympathy for the poor shepherds. Imagine these young teenage boys, sitting in the dark with a bunch of dirty, smelly sheep. They’re exhausted and bored from tedious work, yet they must remain alert to protect the flock from running away, from predators, or from robbers. Perhaps they take turns dozing, the cold hard ground for a bed. Suddenly, they’re temporarily blinded by the purest light imaginable and it’s surrounding them and an angel who announces the most glorious proclamation: the Savior of the world has been born. No wonder these poor kids are terrified. If that wasn’t enough, the entire night sky is filled with thousands of angels singing, praising God with the most beautiful music ever heard.

As soon as it began, it’s over. The angels disappear, and the shepherds are alone in the dark with the sheep as if nothing has happened.

I hope I would respond as the shepherds did. I hope I would act on faith and go to worship the newborn King. They could have stayed right where they were, but instead they went to experience God for themselves. Somehow, I don’t think they ambled into town; I think they ran to Bethlehem. Excited. Hopeful. Anticipating the chance to be with God.

Respond to God in pray as you would if you had been one of the shepherds.