The Book of Psalms earns that title for me because it reflects every human emotion--in the presence of God! Real people in real time express their fears, hopes, joys, worship and anger at God. No matter what I face or fear a song in Psalms expresses my heart to God.
Last month, we offered a lunch at Legacy to encourage some of those who were entering the Christmas season without a job. Randy Youngling shared Psalm 27 with the group as a word of hope for all of us.
Since that lunch, I have been living with that song in the key of life. I read and meditate on it almost every day, and since it is on my heart and mind I share it with people when they need a song of hope.
Friday night, I went with some guys from the Friday morning men's group to lead worship with Victor Galvan at the Center of Hope women's shelter downtown. My word of hope to these homeless women in the shelter? Psalm 27.
Yesterday, someone came to me and shared that fear had halted her in her tracks. After a time of prayer when she asked about where she could go in the Bible to get words of hope to overcome her fear; yes, I told her to read Psalm 27.
Someone may need a song filled with hope today. Try Psalm 27.
Join us at Legacy Church Sunday as we continue our current series "Vital Signs." Any day is a good day to start living a healthy spiritual life.