Laotian families do what all families do, but their conditions are different than ours. I love how children find fun and laugh no matter the condition of their home. (The boy giving the thumbs up and the child in the walker were at a cafe by a tourist attraction. They clearly lived where the family worked.)
Schools varied in size but most were surrounded by dirt fields where the students played and did what students do universally. (This is a typical school house we saw.)
Why did we go to Laos? We went because God has given Legacy Church and others an opportunity to share the resources He has poured out on us in the name of Jesus. We also went because God's mission call on our lives (and yours) is to go to the ends of the earth to share the love of Jesus in tangible ways. The mission of God always includes those who have not heard. (Only 1.8% of Laos' 6.2 million people claim to follow Christ.)
Every time I drink a cup of coffee I pray for the farmers and their families and ask God what can I do today to make a difference in their lives and in those He leads me to each day. Why not introduce kingdom ways into your lifestyle in order to show others the presence and power of God in every day life?