I am always inspired when I meet someone who says,
"I have to do this. I don't know how, but it's got to be done," and then does it! That doesn't happen often, and I admit when people tell me something God has told them to do, I become a bit skeptical. However, every now and then,
when someone like Robert Lee tells me he is compelled to meet a need, I believe them.Robert came to me soon after
the 100-year flood in Nashville this past spring. He has a daughter, and granddaughter living near the flooded area. He heard of the devastation, which was mostly over looked by the media, but very much real and impacting the families there.
He did not know how he would do it, but he would gather as much material and goods as he could, send it to Nashville, and distribute what he had
to the children and their families affected by the flood. He needed a home base, and came to me, and, of course, I said yes.
Legacy Church would collect and store whatever was donated.
Almost single-handed,
Robert has asked, pleaded, loaded and unloaded enough materials to fill a 26-foot truck (along with thousands of dollars) to carry and share with the children and their families.
Blessings to the people who are Harpeth Baptist Church in Nashville who have been serving their community and will continue to do so with these donations.

Robert and team will drive what has been collected to Nashville this week. Pray for their safety and that God will use the items gathered to bless the children in the name of Jesus.
Here is his story at length, be inspired. Join in. Do something to help others.Robert, thank you for leading us into the mission field. Thank you for hearing the call and embracing it no matter what others thought or said.