I used the common rubric of asking these three questions:
So What?
Now What?
(Google those questions and you can see other applications of the questions.)
The passage we reflected upon was John 14:22-27. Why don't you give it a try?
Read the passage, then ask, What? about what you read. Who's speaking? What's going on around the conversation? Where are they? This involves the spiritual discipline of study.
Read the passage again, and then ask, So What? This is the spiritual discipline of meditation. This is listening to the Word of God through the Holy Spirit as God speaks to you about God, the world around you, and you.
Again, read the passage, and ask, Now What? This is the spiritual practice of simple obedience. What did you hear God say for you to do in the passage? Will you have the courage to do that, or, will you live today as you have every other day?
Reflecting on Scripture is the next step after reading Scripture. It is living and listening to the Word, not just skimming the information from the Word. Try living this way for a season and see what God has to say to you.