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Walk Through the Bible-Old School That Still Works


When Matt and Lisa first suggested we host a Walk Through the Bible event as we begin The Story at Legacy Church, I admit I was a bit skeptical. "That's 'old school' stuff," I thought, and we are all up on the latest methods of doing church at Legacy. We had hosted that same event back in the 90's, and I wondered how it could be relevant to our folks a decade later.

Well, I was wrong. WTB was just what we needed to refresh our knowledge of the "mega-narrative" of the Old Testament and introduce The Story to those who had no clue about what it was about. Bruce Wilkinson's DTS Master's project still works!

The combination of key words, signs, repetition, and group participation in an atmosphere of fun work together to give those who participate a way to remember the entire story of the Old Testament. Yes, the sometimes tedious, obscure stories from creation to the return of the Jewish people from exile come to life through the child-like experience of the event.

Why should I be surprised? The culture--including church culture--is biblically illiterate, and people don't know what's in the Bible. WTB provides that. We humans learn in multiple ways, and the WTB way includes them all. We are group learners, and we love a good time. All of those things combine to create and experience that leads to learning. And, when the children join the adults and do exactly what you have learned, you suddenly realize you have a tool for your family to talk about the Bible at home and a plan to stay connected to the Bible throughout the year.

I recommend this "old school" event no matter if you call yourself missional or traditional. The bottom line is to remember the Story of God revealed in the Bible that can change the lives of those who read it, enter it, and find their place in it.