Sunday, June 12, Legacy Church abandoned its usual routine of gathering to worship in music and word to live out our core value, "We are most like Jesus when we serve." (Mark 10:45) We gathered for instructions, prayer, and a song, then headed out to serve. Some groups started earlier that morning.
We spread out to serve two homes that were part of Plano's Love Where You Live program, two elementary schools through their PTAs, and the campus of Legacy Church. A group also serve the neighborhood around our campus by prayer walking through the streets and praying for the families there.
It's a risk any time you do this during "regularly scheduled services" on a Sunday morning. You risk guests showing up to check you out (but what better way to demonstrate who you really are), forgetful members who show up not ready to work (they could run home and change and maybe read their weekly eletter and worship guide each week), and people sent by God seeking a spiritual boost in their lives. (I trust our people would engage them, and they may actually have more time to spend speaking to them than if the service went on as usual.) Then there's the offering! (That's what egiving and faithful giving is about.)
This is also a great way for families to worship together! If "worship is a lifestyle," then what better way to teach your children what being the church through service in the community looks like?
One team leader wrote:
Our homeowner, ________, felt so blessed at every step along this process. She got all manner of repairs completed on her house (that she has owned since 1971 when she bought it new!) including several that were not on the list. In addition, she got her house insulated for FREE (thanks ______ for mentioning this to her) and even found replacement light fixtures available on clearance. She frequently praised God as she worked side-by-side with everyone throughout the day.
To bless someone through serving in the name of Jesus is what the church scattered looks like!
This was the second year we have experienced this, and I believe we will do it again. Give it a try. It will test what you truly believe about who and what the church is.
You can see more pictures from the day on the Legacy Church facebook page.
We spread out to serve two homes that were part of Plano's Love Where You Live program, two elementary schools through their PTAs, and the campus of Legacy Church. A group also serve the neighborhood around our campus by prayer walking through the streets and praying for the families there.
It's a risk any time you do this during "regularly scheduled services" on a Sunday morning. You risk guests showing up to check you out (but what better way to demonstrate who you really are), forgetful members who show up not ready to work (they could run home and change and maybe read their weekly eletter and worship guide each week), and people sent by God seeking a spiritual boost in their lives. (I trust our people would engage them, and they may actually have more time to spend speaking to them than if the service went on as usual.) Then there's the offering! (That's what egiving and faithful giving is about.)
One team leader wrote:
Our homeowner, ________, felt so blessed at every step along this process. She got all manner of repairs completed on her house (that she has owned since 1971 when she bought it new!) including several that were not on the list. In addition, she got her house insulated for FREE (thanks ______ for mentioning this to her) and even found replacement light fixtures available on clearance. She frequently praised God as she worked side-by-side with everyone throughout the day.
This was the second year we have experienced this, and I believe we will do it again. Give it a try. It will test what you truly believe about who and what the church is.
You can see more pictures from the day on the Legacy Church facebook page.