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Adopted into the Family

Team Bowen
One of the biblical metaphors for how God brings us into right relationship with him is adoption. The picture is the intentional efforts of a loving parent who chooses to pay the price and meet the legal obligations to make a child part of the family.

When Paul wrote to the Romans, he used this adoption language to remind them that in Christ they were children of God, which made them not only heirs but co-heirs with Christ! (Romans 8:14-17) God intentionally chose those who trust him to be his adopted children. God paid the price (Jesus' death) and met the legal obligations (The Law) in order for this to happen. Today, those who trust His Son are God's adopted children through Jesus Christ.

Adoption of orphans today magnifies this beautiful picture of God's love for us.

Brent and Anne-Marie Bowen are in the adoption process currently, and this past weekend I ran with "Team Bowen" at the Chosen Marathon and Half Marathon in New Braunsfel, TX.

Here is Anne-Marie's race report. Read their other blogs that tell of their adoption journey and pray the process continues to go well for them.

Do you know an adopted child? Are you an adopted child of God? Share your story if you like.