Took Gold Hill trail to the summit. Steeper and more rugged than I had thought. Switchbacks near the summit were heavily washed out.
The view was spectacular, and the wind was blowing hard. Still some snow on the morning side of the mountains. No animals in sight.
Saw only chipmunks and black squirrels coming up.

Decided to go down Goose Creek Trail instead of back tracking and fighting the ATV traffic on Pioneer.
A mistake when it came to connecting with Jon and Jeff and Billie, who had made great time coming up from Dallas for the climb on Friday. Took Goose Creek Trail 65 at the crossroads to get over the ridge and down to Goose Lake. Very steep with much loose rock. Tough going.
Got to Goose Lake and saw the sign 8 miles to RR!! I was screwed to meet up with the guys any time soon. I could not find the trail head so I started down through the parking lot. Saw a couple of guys, two kids and a dog snaking on the back of their SUV. We exchanged greetings, and when he asked how I was doing I told him, “I bit off more than I can chew, and I’ll buy you a drink if I could get a ride down into town.” He said, “Sure, I’ll give you a ride but it’ll be in awhile.” I said it would be no problem and I’d meet him on the road.
Sure enough in about 20 mins he came bouncing down the road, stopped, and I got in the back seat with his daughter, son, and Jasper the dog, and his friend from CO. His name was Dean from outside Albuquerque. They were pop-up tent camping in Taos Ski basin and came up as they always had since he was a boy to Red River. Said that may be his last drive to Goose Lake due to the ruggedness of the road.
Stopped to video a cave, see a Jeep that drove off the road and rolled down the hill, and crossing the swollen river at the base.
Jeff and Jon were there waiting. Thanked Dean. Found out where they were eating dinner and said we’d see them there. We dropped by Riverside, I showered while they unloaded their stuff. Got the the Red River Brewing Co about the time Dean and his gang did. Bought them drinks and an appetizer as I said I would.
Best $30 I spent all week.