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Showing posts from September 21, 2008

Following Jesus into the Public Square

We continued our journey with "Christ on the Campaign Trail" this Sunday by " Following Jesus into the Public Square ." My desire was to answer the question, "Should Christians be involved in politics?" Given the confessions of both presidential candidates to be followers of Jesus, and with one Veep nominee without a doubt a professing Christian, we needed to answer the question. We started with an interview with Cindy DePaolantonio , a member of the Frisco Independent School District Board of Trustees . She told how she did not seek the job, but through volunteering and opportunity she ran for the position and has served there since 2003. She told us that her desire was to be a "living example of Jesus" as she served the 32,000 children of the district. She acknowledged the limitations placed on her, but she tried in every instance to be like Jesus to the children and their families. You can hear her entire interview here. I then turned to cl...